The Existence of Indonesian Indie Bands in the Era of Generation Z: A Review and Challenges
This research aims to describes: 1) The indie music industry; 2) The existence of Indonesian indie bands in the era of generation Z; 3) The challenges and strategies of indie bands in facing the digital industry in the era of generation Z. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Through the phenomenological approach, this research describes various conditions, situations, or phenomena of social reality that exist in society. The results showed that: 1) The indie music industry presents a different theme from musicians who are under a label. Indie musicians do not follow market trends, but indie musicians are more intense with fans through direct interaction through a more intimate community; 2) The existence of indie music groups in generation Z is strongly influenced by social media and digital music platform, instead of not following market trends, fans, in this case generation Z, make indie musicians a role model for their life style; 3) The main challenge for indie bands in the era of generation Z is that the characteristics of generation Z who always follow trends and fear of missing out are inversely proportional to the character of indie musicians who prioritize creativity and innovation rather than following market trends. A strategy that can be used is by utilizing social media and digital music platform. By utilizing social media and digital music platform, indie musicians have entered the world of generation Z and have the potential to promote their work in a wider realm.
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