Power Relations on Cultural Ideology in the Novel Under the Shadow of Ode by Sumiman Udu
This research analyses the form of power relations to the cultural ideology of the novel Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Ode by Sumiman Udu. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a research focus on the form of power relations over the mind and body contained in the novel Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Ode by Sumiman Udu. The data collection technique was carried out by intensively reading the novel Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Ode by Sumiman Udu and other reference sources related to the various forms of power according to Michel Focault. Data analysis techniques were carried out by (1) comparing data, (2) identifying Michel Foucault's various forms of power contained in the novel, (3) classifying, (4) interpreting data, and (5) making conclusions. The results of this research obtained, 9 data included in the form of power relations in the novel Di Bawah Bayang-Bayang Ode by Sumiman Udu.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i11.6222
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