Assessment and Management of Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy: A Single Case Study
Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy (LET) leads to functional disability and is a challenging pathology to manage. The objective of this study is to present how the LET of a male patient was managed by myself in clinical practice. A 55-year-old male hunter developed LET on his left elbow two months prior, after holding a gun for five hours during a hunting trip. The patient complained of lateral elbow and forearm pain, pain that intensified upon palpation, shoulder flexion-extension, wrist dorsiflexion and hand grip. The objective assessment showed clear neurological examination and radial nerve neurodynamic test, restricted shoulder and wrist range of motion (ROM), and positive Maudsley’s and Mill’s special tests. The treatment plan focused on pain control, tendon healing, muscle flexibility, progressive strengthening of wrist and elbow muscles and tolerance increase of the tendon. Different modalities were used, with emphasis given on a combination of different types of exercise. The patient attended 15 sessions in 5 weeks. Considerable progress was made by the end of week 5. From the patient assessment, the derived diagnosis was left LET, and the rehabilitation plan which was evidence-based, proved to be effective.
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