The Amount of Wife's Maintenance from an Islamic Perspective
A study on the topic of “The amount of wife's maintenance (Nafaqah) from an Islamic perspective " clarified that nafaqah, (maintenance) in its literal sense, means expenses or the necessities of life. In Islamic jurisprudence, it refers to the financial resources spent on covering costs. Items that are included in a wife's nafaqah (maintenance) (maintenance) include wheat flour, foodstuffs like peas, beans, oil, rice, meat, etc., fuel such as wood, oil, gas, cooking utensils like stoves, heating appliances like heaters, and water for drinking, washing, and bathing. Additionally, it includes services such as a servant, clothing, hygiene products, housing, and all other items that a woman may need according to her level of civilization, living environment, and physical and mental condition, taking into account the prevailing customs and the husband's economic situation. It is obligatory for the husband to provide nafaqah (maintenance) for his wife, and the amount is determined by considering the wife's needs, the economic situation of the couple, especially the husband, and the prevailing customs.
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