Cultural Inculturation of Ngada in Church Liturgical Music
Catholics in Ngada still use inculturation songs in the liturgy, for example in celebration of the Reba and regular mass. In line with the rapid development of songs inculturation in Ngada and the needs of the community, a song book entitled Ti'i Adha Ne'e Melo Redho was published. This study aims to examine and analyze the 10 opening songs from the book Ti'i Adha Ne'e Melo Redho by referring to the provisions of the Ngada traditional music elements and the provisions regarding liturgical music that apply in the Catholic Church. This study used inculturation theory with qualitative methods. The results showed that the 10 songs can be categorized as inculturative liturgical songs, although there are some songs that are not characterized by traditional Ngada music and are not suitable as opening songs.
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