The Aesthetic Use of Kawi Language in the Song “Lamunan” by Wahyu F Giri: A Stylistic Study

Harliangga Ridho Batulloh, Kasiyan Kasiyan


The background of this research is to know and describe the language style contained in the song “lamunan” by Wahyu F Giri. The objectives of this study are: 1) To describe the language style used in the song “lamunan”; 2) Describe the aesthetic use of Kawi language in the song “lamunan”; 3) Know the discourse that Wahyu F Giri wants to convey in the lyrics of the song “lamunan”. This research uses a qualitative method with a stylistic approach. Stylistic study is an effort to explain the beauty in the use of certain linguistic forms, which include aspects of sound, lexical, structure, rhetorical language, figurative language, and so on. The results of the study state that: 1) The song “lamunan” by Wahyu F Giri has a variety of language usage, namely denotative diction, connotative diction, and sensual diction with synesthesia. The dominant use of language in the lyrics of the song “lamunan” is in the rhetorical style and figurative language style; 2) The aesthetic value of the use of Kawi language style in the song “lamunan” lies in the words chosen to provide a description of a complex atmosphere, as well as a nickname to call a special person for the speaker who is imaged as a queen; 3). The song “lamunan” raises a discourse on loyalty and human fantasies of the perfect partner. The discourse of loyalty in the lyrics of “lamunan” describes the determination to be faithful in a long-distance relationship. The lyrics of the song “lamunan” can also be interpreted as a fantasy or fantasy that exists in the speaker's mind towards a perfect figure. By fantasizing, humans can place a perfection of the desire to be achieved in this context referring to the woman that the speaker has always dreamed of.


Lamunan; Stylistics; Kawi Language

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