The Influence of RMT-Based Learning on Concept Understanding Ability, Spatial Reasoning, and Self Regulated Learning of Junior High School Students
This study aims to describe the influence of the RMT-based learning on students' concept understanding ability, spatial reasoning, and self-regulated learning, as well as to describe the superiority of the RMT-based learning over the scientific learning in terms of the average ability of concept understanding, spatial reasoning, and self-regulated learning. This is a quasi experimental study with the subjects of students in class VII.3 as the experimental class and VII.4 as the control class in one of the State Junior High Schools in Moro, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands in the 2023/2024 school year. The instruments used were tests and non-tests. The validity evidence was based on expert judgment while the reliability estimation was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To see the influence of RMT-based learning on students' concept understanding ability, spatial reasoning, and self-regulated learning, Hotelling test was used. Meanwhile, to see which learning is superior in terms of the average of each variable, the Independent Sampe T-test was used. The results of the study at the 5% significance level showed that there is an influence of RMT-based learning on the ability of concept understanding, spatial reasoning, and self-regulated learning of students and RMT-based learning is superior to the scientific learning in terms of the average ability of understanding the concept of spatial reasoning, and self-regulated learning of students.
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