“Don’t just be ordinary”: Understanding the Resilience of College Students of Color at a Predominantly White Institution

Cassandra Ann Storlie, Bridget Mulvey, Adrienne Erby


Despite the prevalence of student multicultural centers providing support to students of Color across higher education institutions in the United States, experiences related to marginalization and discrimination remain present on college campuses. Using an ecological systems framework, researchers interviewed seven undergraduates active with their university’s student multicultural center to explore their experiences of resilience more deeply at a Predominantly White Institution (PWI). Findings indicate a need for expanding support for students who experience frequent microaggressions and stereotyping related to their marginalized identities. Systemic recommendations for working with college students of Color are presented.


Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, College students of color, resilience

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6155


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