Students’ Perceptions of Think-Pair-Share Technique in Promoting Students’ Communication Skills in an EFL Context

Ricky Sriyanda, Joko Priyana


Many students experience reluctance to speak in a foreign language due to anxiety and nervousness, which adversely affect their communication abilities. This study explores students' perspectives on the Think-Pair-Share (TPS) technique as a method to enhance oral communication skills in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. A purposive sampling technique was employed to select five participants based on their experiences with the TPS strategy. Data were collected through narrative frames and semi-structured in-depth interviews. The findings reveal that the TPS technique significantly enhances students' self-confidence and oral communication skills when English is used as the medium of discussion. Additionally, students found the TPS strategy beneficial for encouraging active participation, fostering collaborative learning, and providing opportunities for practice and feedback. Moreover, TPS was found to aid in developing critical thinking skills by encouraging students to engage in discussions and share knowledge through peer interactions. The study concludes that, for the TPS technique to be fully effective, careful implementation is required, taking into account its advantages and potential impacts on students. These findings suggest that TPS is a valuable instructional strategy that can create a supportive learning environment, enhancing both communication skills and overall classroom engagement in EFL settings.


Communication Skills; Students’ Perspectives; Think-Pair-Share Technique

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