Item Analysis of School Examination Questions Using the Iteman Program

Ghina Kamilah Siregar, Prihadi Prihadi, Burhan Nurgiyantoro


This study aims to analyze and describe question items based on validity, reliability, difficulty index, differentiation index and the effectiveness of distractors on the final exam of the odd semester of class X SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang in the 2023/2024 school year. The method used is descriptive quantitative. Data obtained in the form of answer sheets of 23 students of SMA Kartika 1-5 Padang using the Iteman program. The results showed that the reliability of the questions carried out on students obtained an Alpa Cronbach score of 0.830 in the Iteman program. The question is declared reliable because the reliability index is above 0.60. Based on the Differentiation Index, it is known that 23 questions are categorized as feasible, 7 questions are categorized as inappropriate and need to be revised. Then based on the Difficulty Level Index, it is known that 5 questions are at a difficult level, 21 questions at an easy level and 5 questions at a very easy level.


Item Analysis; Iteman Program; School Exam Questions

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