Communication Interactional Model of APEKSI on Climate Change Issue in SDG as Social Innovation on Surabaya Policy
Sustainable Development Goals is global development agenda that consist of 17 goals, 169 targets and 241 indicator to be reached by 2030. The agenda that’s also known as SDGs has put local goverment as main actor in its implementation since most of the SDGs goals related to local goverment works. One of SDGs target is related to climate action, namely goals number 13. Association of Indonesia Municipalities (APEKSI), through its Climate Change working group had been tried to raise awarenes of climate change impact and at the moment its related to SDGs. According to United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) City of Surabaya is the third of the most vurnerable city in Indonesia and need to build their ressilience starting from policy making. The paper elaborates how APEKSI communicating the issue of climate change to City of Surabaya so they can develop the policy and as their effort to achieve SDGs goal number 13. SDGs is seeing as social innovation that is also need process to be well-adopted. Based on the interactional communication model of Schram, in-depth interview and literature study, the paper shows that the delayed respond that always occurs in interactional communication, can be solved by a good field of experience and strong leadership so policy development run accordingly and sistematically and SDGs as social innovation can be achieved its no 13 goals in Surabaya.
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