Analysis of High School Students' Mathematical Literacy Skills in Solving Contextual Problems on SPtDV Material

Lidra Ety Syahfitri Harahap, Sri Andayani


Mathematical literacy is one of the abilities that must be possessed in today's 21st-century education. This study aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of grade X students at one of the Yogyakarta high schools in Bantul Regency in solving contextual problems on SPtDV (System of Inequality of Two Variables) material. The method used was descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through multiple-choice tests, descriptions, and questionnaires using SPtDV material. Data analysis was done by reducing and presenting data, and drawing conclusions based on indicators of students' mathematical literacy (mathematical process). Sampling of the population was carried out using a non-purposive sampling technique. To determine the number of samples to be taken, researchers used a saturated sampling technique. The research subjects were students of class X of Yogyakarta Private Senior High School in Bantul Regency in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, with a total of 20 students. The results showed that students with high ability were able to fulfill all three aspects of the indicators in mathematical literacy skills, namely formulating, using, and interpreting. While students with moderate ability were able to fulfill two aspects of the indicator, namely formulating and using. And students with low ability were only able to fulfill one aspect of the indicator, namely formulating. The percentage of results obtained is based on the Mathematical Literacy Profile Criteria, namely: 10% proficient, 60% proficient, 15% basic, and 15% need special intervention. This study implies that it is important for other researchers to explore the factors that influence the mathematical literacy skills of low-ability students, especially in high school students or equivalent.


Contextual; Mathematical literacy; SPtDV

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