Feasibility Evaluation and Development of Educational Laboratories: Contribution to Institutional Development

Hendratno Hendratno, Nurul Istiq’faroh, Muhammad Sahidul Haq, Suprayitno Suprayitno, Amrul Huda Fathir


This study aims to optimize the use of educational laboratories as a means of institutional development at the Faculty of Education, Surabaya State University. Using a development research approach with the ADDIE model, this research involved analyzing the needs of the institution, students, lecturers, and curriculum that must be met by the education laboratory. Data were collected through questionnaires and documentation studies, then analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the laboratory products developed. The results showed that the education laboratory at Faculty of Education has adequate facilities and infrastructure conditions, and the products developed are considered very feasible in supporting learning objectives. Attractive and interactive product design increases student engagement, while the use of appropriate language in the product strengthens the effectiveness of material communication. Overall, the optimization of educational laboratories is proven to not only support the achievement of learning objectives, but also strengthen the institution's reputation in providing relevant and quality education. Continuous evaluation is recommended to ensure the educational laboratory remains adaptive to evolving needs.


Laboratory; Education; Feasibility; Institutional Development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i10.6146


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