Exploration Influence Problem-Based Learning STEM-based towards Ability Literacy Mathematics Middle School Students

Tika Siswanti, Djamilah Bondan Widjajanti


This research aims to describe the influence of mathematics learning using a STEM-based problem-based learning model on students' mathematical literacy abilities in class VII at a private junior high school in Batam City. This type of research is quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) with a Non-Equivalent Control research design Group design. The sampling technique uses the Purposive Sampling technique. The instrument used to collect data is in the form of mathematical literacy test questions. Data analysis techniques used are Independent Sample T-test uses gain data. This gain data is required because the average of the pre-test results from second class No can be considered equivalent. The gain score is calculated using the difference between the pre-test and post-test on ability literacy mathematics. Research results at level 5% significance indicate that learning mathematics using a STEM-based problem-based learning model significantly influences literacy mathematics students' ability. Learning This has proven superior compared to the usual problem-based learning model, as seen by the average increase in ability literacy mathematics students. The research results also show that the STEM-based problem-based learning model significantly improves students' mathematical literacy skills compared to conventional problem-based learning models. In the experimental class, there was a more significant increase in average scores in the three indicators of mathematical literacy, namely identifying relevant information to solve problems and/by formulating situations mathematically using symbols, pictures or mathematical modeling (5.78 points or 17, 34%), applying concepts, facts, procedures and mathematical reasoning to solve problems (10.22 points or 30.66%), as well as interpreting solutions into the context of the problem (9.85 points or 29.56%). Meanwhile, the increase in the control class for the same indicator was lower, namely 2.91 points (8.73%) for identifying information, 1.89 points (5.67%) for applying mathematical concepts and reasoning, and 2.15 points (6.45%) for interpreting mathematical solutions into the context of the problem by providing appropriate reasons for the mathematical solutions obtained. The most significant increase occurred in the second indicator, which is applying concepts, facts, procedures, and mathematical reasoning to solve problems.


Problem-Based Learning, STEM-based Problem-Based Learning, Mathematical Literacy Ability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6142


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