Strategy for Monitoring the Escape of Convicts From Correctional Institutions

Muhammad Sabir Rahman, Nova Krisnayanti, Phireri Phireri, Johamran Pransisto, Patahillah Asba, A. Dzulqarnaen


Countermeasures for Escape of Prisoners in Class IIA Parepare Correctional Institution. This study aims to find out the countermeasures carried out by correctional officers in overcoming the escape of future inmates. This research uses normative-empirical research types from legislation books and journals and is supported by facts that occur in the field. The analysis of legal materials in this study uses inductive logical reasoning and then continues to deductive logic. The form of countermeasures is by optimizing the duties of the security function and coordinating with the security sector, especially in the security sector by examining the causes of prisoners escaping. So from the inspection, the security team made improvements by reinforcing the Standard Operating Procedures. 


Countermeasures; Corrections; Inmates

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