President Joko Widodo’s Communication Strategy Through #JKWVLOG in Maintaining the Spirit of Nationalism
The spirit of nationalism is currently eroding and decreasing due to the fast and globalized information flow.This information flow is inevitable as the result of information technology and communication existence.In the past, the outreach of information is limited to national level, yet now it rapidly grows beyond state borders and can be read by the whole wide world.This research method is using a qualitative method to identify the communication strategy of President Joko Widodo in upholding nationalism through vlog. Data collection technique used in this research is documentation study, observation study, literature study, online data tracking.
President Joko Widodo uses social media, mainly vlog, to maintain the spirit of nationalism, which is reflected on all of his videos that use Indonesian language. The President is proud with the production of Indonesia by setting the example to use the local productions. President also embeded the elements of Indonesian culture and heritage in several of his videos.
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