Challenges and Urgency of Simultaneous Elections in 2024

Riza Yudah Patria, Topan Indra Karsa, Ahadi Fajrin Prasetya


Simultaneous regional elections in 2024 are regulated in Article 201 Paragraph (8) of Law Number 10 Year 2016 which stipulates that simultaneous national voting in the elections of governors and deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, and mayors and deputy mayors in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia will be held in November 2024. Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is a political agenda conducted periodically in Indonesia to elect regional heads such as governors, regents, and mayors. Pilkada is one way to determine the leader who will lead a region in a certain period. Pilkada is an important political agenda because in the process there is political contestation between political parties and candidates who compete to win the position of regional head. As a result, Pilkada can influence the political direction of a region and has significant implications for the lives of local communities. In the implementation of Pilkada in 2024, there are certainly many challenges faced by both participants or candidates for regional heads and deputy regional heads, political parties as supporters of candidates for regional heads and deputy regional heads, as well as the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) as the organiser of the Simultaneous Pilkada in 2024. The Constitutional Court (MK) as the last bastion of institutions that process election fraud will be preoccupied with various problems that occur in the country in the context of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections.


Simultaneous Elections; Democracy; Challenges and Urgency

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Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 41 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 54 of 2019 concerning Funding for Governor, Regent and Mayor Election Activities sourced from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget.

Internet webinar-policy-funding-simultaneous-elections-year- 2024.



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