Poetry and Education: Exploring Educational and Moral Values in Poetry by Seno Joko Suyono
Poetry as a form of literary work has great potential to be used as a tool for teaching moral and ethical values, but in-depth research on the role of poetry in education is still lacking. Notably, poetry is often overlooked in formal education curricula despite its ability to touch emotions and evoke deep reflection. This research aims to explore and analyse the educational values contained in the poem "Bukit Semut" by Seno Joko Suyono. Through this critical analysis of poetry, this research seeks to identify various moral and ethical values that can be taught through literature. The main source of data in this study is the text of the poem "Bukit Semut" and various supporting literature that discusses the role of literature in education. This analysis includes aspects of symbolism, narrative, and themes raised in poetry, as well as the relevance of these values in the context of formal education. The results of the study show that the poem "Bukit Semut" teaches values such as respect for nature, search for meaning in life, perseverance, cleanliness, karma, spiritual awareness, sincerity in worship, and courage. These findings suggest that poetry can be an effective teaching tool in moral and ethical education, enriching the literature on literary education and providing a basis for practical implementation in the educational environment. The implication of this research is the importance of integrating poetry in the educational curriculum to help students develop a deeper understanding of various aspects of life and morality. In addition, this research fills a gap in the literature by providing empirical evidence on the impact of poetry in education, which can serve as a basis for further research and the development of more inclusive and holistic curricula. The study also highlights the importance of emotional literacy in education, which is often overlooked in traditional educational approaches, with literature as an effective medium to achieve these goals.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6133
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