The Meaning of Mujahadah Values for Muslim Entrepreneurs Culinary Business in East Kutai Regency

Sismanto Sismanto, Siswanto Siswanto, Ahmad Djalalludin


This research delves into the meaning of mujahadah among Muslim entrepreneurs in the culinary industry of East Kutai, examining the incorporation of Islamic values into their business practices. It seeks to elucidate the intricate relationship between Islamic values and the business strategies employed by Muslim entrepreneurs in the culinary sector of East Kutai, highlighting the significance of mujahadah in shaping their entrepreneurial journey. This research uses a qualitative approach involving in-depth participant observation, interviews, and document analysis. The findings suggest that the mujahadah has maximum effort and strong determination to achieve business goals, with an acknowledgment of divine intervention. Entrepreneurs integrate mujahadah with Islamic values such as patience, sincerity, and reliance on Allah. Additionally, the research identifies vital challenges entrepreneurs face, including human resource management issues, market adaptation, and raw material supply management. This study offers profound insights into the influence of spiritual values on Muslim culinary entrepreneurs and provides practical implications for navigating everyday business challenges.


Mujahadah Value; Muslim Entrepreneur; Culinary Bussines

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