Convergence of Mass Communication in Strengthening Feminist Discourse in the Digial Era
This research examines the convergence of mass communication and its implications for organizational communication, focusing on the Pusat Kajian Perempuan Solo (PUKAPS), which operates within the feminist discourse. Communication convergence is not merely a means of delivering messages but also emphasizes the importance of exchanging and sharing information to achieve mutual understanding. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive method with a post-positivist approach, this study finds that the convergence of mass communication and organization plays a significant role in strengthening the existence of the feminist movement. PUKAPS has successfully addressed the negative stigma surrounding feminism by leveraging social media as a distribution tool for feminist discourse to a wider audience, including those who are not well-acquainted with the movement. Digital content disseminated through platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp has encouraged positive participation and interaction between the organization and the public. This study underscores that mass communication convergence within organizations not only enhances communication efficiency but also fosters strong relationships through feedback that encourages discourse. Consequently, PUKAPS can improve its visibility and influence within the feminist movement while facilitating productive exchanges of ideas in the modern era.
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