Factors Affecting Social Entrepreneurial Intention: A Systematic Literature Review
This study aims to comprehensively review the literature on the factors that influence social entrepreneurial intentions. Referring to the theory of Mair Noboa (2006) and Holkert (2017). This research delves deeper into the factors that influence a person's entrepreneurial intention to engage in social entrepreneurship activities, namely empathy, self-efficacy, moral obligation, perceived social support, previous experience related to social issues, and entrepreneurship education. This article is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) that explores various related articles published in reputable journals contained in the Scopus database for 20 years, from 2004 to 2023. This research is expected to contribute to providing a quick and accurate reference for academics and practitioners in the field of social entrepreneurship. In addition, it can provide insight into how the influence of social entrepreneurial intention factors developed by Mair Noboa (2006) and Holkert (2017) in the last two decades in various countries. In general, this research can help develop programs and policies that support the sustainable growth of social entrepreneurship in Indonesia.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6122
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