Radicalism Rising among Educated People
The radicalism is the name of religion in Indonesia neer to be watched out of as Indonesia today is known as a diverse country and any conflicts may easily rise due to differences in ethnicity, raca and region, especially if combined with the religious theology. The reformation in 1998 changed many things in Indonesia, including the evolution of Islam. The freedom of speech and to assemble are being used by those Islamic fundamentalist groups by teaching their thought/doctrines.The educated people is suspected to be the targert of radicalism. And why they become the targets? It’s because they have resources and accses to information. They are people who are open and seek for information because it has become a necescity . They ha are scholars who forged in higher educational institutions. Therefore the educated people are vehicle of change.The most important in this research is about how to describe the relationship between religion and state within the mind of educated people. Indonesia is a great coutry of various ethnic, cultural dan religious diversity, with Muslims as the majority population. Base in the theory put forward by Islamic politic sosiologist, the relationship theory of religion and state are gruped into 3 namely : unified paradigm, symbolic paradigm, and secularistic paradigm.The conclusion in this research is penetration of the thought of intolerance with anti-Pancasila and NKRI among educated people goes through religious studies that conducted in workplace, or in the campus trhrough da’wah institution, and also through religious activitivies in schools.
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