Political Dynamics and State Civil Administration Neutrality in Good Governance Framework
This article focus on reviewing the reality of political dynamics in Indonesia that related with state civil administration (ASN) professionalism as the one who administrate the government, which their move are limited by ethic code and neutrality in civil servant behaviour and not partiality in terms of political practice prominence.Political dynamics relationship with state civil administration neutrality have a lots in common and relevance, if we look from context and theory terms, and align with classic state administration paradigm that differing between political and administration. Distinction between political activity and public administration process, as it’s developing both are being perceived separately from one another. But on contrary, based on the political continuum of public administration, political policy construction and execution as the responsibility of the public administration that administer by government bureaucracy or its organization, is inseparable. If we try to review it from the history of state civil administration that known as state civil servant in Orde Baru regime, they located as the power of the majority, where they have to support the functional congregation (golongan karya) as one of political power. This condition have a permanent effect towards most of state civil administration attitude and behaviour, especially the one who have their own political importance, so they will do everything they, both personally or through the organization, and also to the political elite who have political occupancy or elite in political party.
The neutrality of state civil administration in predicament position because the government ruler that came from political elite have the authorities to settle on and even can make a political career run smoother, especially to occupy the structural administrative division or even quo status. And until now there are still a perception that politics are part of its obligation and function. The state civil administration professionalism in good governance context demand the capability that obedient to its principal so when state civil administration administrate its function, they won’t disobey the provision that have been ratify as legal groundwork.
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