Juridical Analysis of the Role and Mechanism of Islamic Banks in Syndicated Financing at Bank Syariah Indonesia in Bogor City
The increasing sharia-based economy indicates that the development of sharia zones continues to expand. Through the introduction of various product innovations, one of which is about financing products, with the existence of financing facilities to be able to support residents to prosper their lives. One of the banks' plans is to increase its assets, by advancing financing into the corporate zone. However, by making financing into the corporate zone, it can have a big effect as well. The research method used is descriptive analytical with the type of normative legal research, and there are several data collection methods used are literature studies and field research, syndicated financing is financing carried out by Islamic banks in collaboration with other banks, both fellow Islamic banks and with conventional banks. This collaboration is needed to provide financing for a large project owned by the debtor which otherwise cannot be done by 1 bank alone. not only that, related to securities, therefore it is necessary to do financing simultaneously, Syndicated Financing has been carried out by BSI for a long time, many national-scale development projects are financed by BSI in syndication, as the legal basis is to make an agreement or contract. Valid for Islamic banks or conventional banks., there are rights and obligations between the parties. The debtor's obligation is a right for the creditor, on the contrary, the creditor's obligation is a right for the debtor.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.6107
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