The Threat of Personal Information Trading in the Online Network and Information Technology
The development of information technology that is increasingly accelerating does not give anyone the opportunity to think beyond what has been created and used by the wider community. Even controlling the factors exceeding their use, often escapes the reach of stakeholders and policy makers. All online activities can be observed and logged. But, in the global era, where information technology cannot be controlled, the distribution of each one personal information become serious problem. This research reveals the information technology impact that threatens the media social users for unsecured and unprotected privacy. The problem faced in all around of the world today is a security problem that is still very impulsive in handling it. People tend to hide their personal information for their own privacy and safety. This paper is using the scope of technological determinism McLuhan as the key to history and social change. This uses library research methods to gather information from any related resources in order to support either deny the fact of its reality. Individual social media users who are in the group of Mark Zuckerberg companies do not have the privacy with proper and safe protection. There is a need to re-enforce the regulations by the policymakers to protect Indonesian citizens, especially after the establishment of the National Cyber and Code Agency (BSSN). Thus, the government role plays an important share in the process of the development of ICT, and should not leave the policies behind for not way too late to be set.
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