Improving Students' Mathematical Disposition In Mathematics Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
Interest and positive attitude can support optimal mathematics learning. When students like math and have a positive attitude, it will allow students to succeed in learning mathematics. These interests and tendencies are called mathematical dispositions. Mathematical disposition plays an important role in the expected progress of mathematics learning, primary research has been conducted to improve mathematical disposition. Therefore, this study examines efforts or programs that can improve students' mathematical disposition, the methods used, reviews the effectiveness of these efforts, and reviews suitable efforts in improving mathematical disposition based on education level. This research is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) with the following steps: first, identification; second, screening; third, eligibility; and fourth, included. The relevant articles reviewed were from the last 5 years in 2019-2023. The results showed a variety of efforts and methodologies in improving mathematical disposition from the 20 included studies. Mathematical disposition is improved by various efforts such as the application of student-centered learning models and approaches, counting activities, application of technology, development and application of teaching materials. The results of this study are expected to be useful for practitioners in improving students' mathematical disposition so that it can support optimal mathematics learning and improve mathematics learning outcomes.
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