Challenges in Implementing the Content of the Indonesian Constitution from the Perspective of the Welfare State Concept
The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia serves as the foundation for the organization of national life and governance. The research methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a literature review approach. Data was collected from relevant sources related to the topic being discussed. The analysis was conducted by gathering information from various sources regarding the content of the Indonesian constitution from the perspective of the concept of a welfare state. The data was analyzed to identify the contents of the Indonesian constitution related to the concept of a welfare state, as well as the challenges and opportunities in its implementation. This research found that the Indonesian constitution contains elements that support the realization of a welfare state, including those found in the preamble and articles of the 1945 Constitution. The implementation of the Indonesian constitution as a welfare state faces various challenges, such as a lack of awareness of people's rights, social inequality, corruption, a lack of coordination between government agencies, and limited funding for public welfare programs. These challenges can be addressed by utilizing existing opportunities, such as technological advances, the availability of natural and human resources, support from various parties, public awareness of their rights, and government efforts.
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Regulation Legislation
The (1945) Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.
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