Forms of Human Rights Violations in the Perspective of International Law in the Israel and Palestine Conflict

Nurul Ismawati, Joko Setiyono


Human rights in various value systems and philosophies regarding humans and all aspects of their life. The main focus of human rights is human life and dignity. The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a form of human rights violation from the perspective of international law in the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, namely genocide against the Palestinian population, attacks on hospitals, oppression of journalists and cruelty against children. Israel's crime of aggression is the planning, preparation or implementation of acts of aggression in an effective position to exercise control over or direct the political or military actions of Palestinian leaders and their scale constituting real acts of aggression. An act of aggression which means a state uses armed force by a state against the sovereignty or political independence of another state. 


Human Rights Violation; International Law; Israel; Palestine

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