Heritage of Bedhaya Dance: Issues in Aesthetic Transformation in the Present Time

Maryono Maryono


The article is important to discuss because transformation is an inevitability in the dimensions of human life, crucial for maintaining, preserving, and developing the performing arts as a vital part of society. The goal of studying the transformation of the aesthetics of contemporary performing arts heritage is to create dynamics within the performing arts by transforming monotonous art forms into dynamic, creative, and open ones. This article is based on a qualitative study. The types of data, data sources, and information were all obtained from documents related to the Bedhaya dance performance at the Catur Sagatra event. The data collection strategy involved using literature review and document study techniques. All the collected data were classified, processed, and analyzed using the triangulation method. The collected data were then compared with each other. This study found that the issue of transformation in the Bedhaya dance has led to new, creative, dynamic, and tense aesthetic expressions. Additionally, the position of the millennial generation, which is the target of the transformation of performing arts containing guiding values rather than merely entertainment, as a cultural heritage, needs to enhance appreciation for traditional arts as a basis for sustainable aesthetic communication to observe, understand, continue, and develop the arts. Therefore, this article is expected to serve as a trigger for future researchers to discuss these issues more sharply and deeply.


Bedhaya Dance; Transformation; Aesthetics; Cultural Heritage

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i9.6065


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