Civil liability of the Government for Damages Caused by Acts of Violence (Terrorist) Based on the Rules of Islamic Jurisprudence and Risk Theory
The government's civil responsibility for violent acts of terrorism against citizens is one of the new and challenging issues that there is no explicit ruling on in the current laws and regulations of Iran and Afghanistan. The author has examined the government's civil responsibility for violent acts from the perspective of the rules of Islamic jurisprudence and its adaptation to the theory of risk. The findings of the research show that a person (natural and legal) who benefits from economic or any other beneficial activity is required to compensate for damages in case of damage to another person from the same activity. With this criterion and the connection between harm and benefit, the government can be introduced as responsible for compensating the damages caused to citizens due to the violent actions of violent groups, Because the government obtains a lot of benefits from the establishment of a system and system over the society through the use of mines and underground reserves and taxes and tributes. Therefore, the damages caused to the citizens and if the person responsible for compensation is not known or is not available or is not able to pay and there is no specific person responsible for compensation and the losses remain uncompensated, the government should compensate the losses incurred.
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