The Role of Sustainable Heritage Management in Local Economic Development to Improve Community Welfare
The city of Surakarta, or also known as Solo, is a city that rich in cultural heritage. Solo city is also famous for its strong traditional Javanese culture, including music, dance, batik and wayang. Cultural heritage management in preserving the values and works of original cultural heritage is one of the priorities in the local economic development strategy in the City of Surakarta. The history of Surakarta with its various stories and cultural heritage can become an important capital in economic development which is expected to be able to boost regional economic growth, especially in improving community welfare. This research aims to identify important aspects in realizing sustainable cultural heritage management in Surakarta; and analyzing the potential for developing values that influence the success of sustainable cultural heritage management in Surakarta in realizing local economic development, especially in terms of community welfare. The data used in this research is primary data, then analyzed using the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) method. The results of the research show that there is an influence of sustainable cultural heritage management on community welfare and has significant characteristics. Variables such as economic potential development, environmental potential development, social potential development and partial or joint (simultaneous) cultural potential development as manifestations of sustainable cultural heritage management have a positive relationship to local economic development.
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