Development of Islamic Religious Education Course Modules Nuances of Religious Moderation
The background of this research problem is the development of an understanding of the teachings of Islamic radicalism on campus, while students are weak in understanding moderate Islamic teachings. In addition, the unavailability of Islamic religious education course modules that have anti-religious moderation nuances. The target to be achieved from the results of this research, students are free from the understanding of religious radicalism. This research is development research, using the 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) which is descriptive. At the define stage, curriculum and student analysis are carried out, the design stage is to make modules, at the develop stage evaluate the modules that have been made with validity questionnaires by material and language experts. Data analysis with percentage techniques and processed descriptively. Based on the validity results obtained from filling out the questionnaire by the validator, an average of 83.81% was obtained. The conclusion of this research is the production of a valid Islamic religious education lecture module with religious moderation nuances.
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