Legal Protection Efforts for Victims of Cyber Crime in the Case of Mobile Malware in the Form of Digital Invitations in the Jurisdiction of the Banten Police Force

Arif Budianto, Surya Nita, Mulyadi Mulyadi


This study discusses legal protection for victims of cybercrime, specifically in the context of wedding invitation fraud based on Mobile Malware in the jurisdiction of the Banten Regional Police. The background of this research is the increasing cybercrimes that threaten internet users, especially Android users, with financial losses and personal data breaches as its consequences. The aim of this research is to identify the available legal protection mechanisms for victims and evaluate their effectiveness. The research methods used include field research and normative legal research. The results show that victims can utilize various legal regulations such as Article 378 of the Criminal Code, Article 263 of the Criminal Code, Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law, Consumer Protection Law Number 8 of 1999, and Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 22/20/PBI/2020 to seek legal protection and recover losses. However, the existing legal protection is still ineffective due to the lack of specific regulations regarding digital application fraud, limited cyber investigator skills, and inadequate computer forensic facilities. Additionally, security verification for financial transactions needs to be strengthened, and victims' legal awareness needs to be enhanced.


Cybercrime Victim; Wedding Invitation Fraud; Mobile Malware

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