The Influence of Digital Literacy Skills for New Voters on Understanding Hoax News in the 2024 Election

Prasetyo Isbandono, Noviyanti Purba, Gading Gamaputra, Agus Prastyawan, Irwantoro Irwantoro


This research aims to determine the level of political understanding of new voters through digital literacy and also the perception of new voters towards the spread of Hoax information around the 2024 election, as well as to determine the relationship and influence between digital literacy skills and understanding of hoax information in the 2024 election. This type of research is a Quantitative Approach. The sampling technique used simple random sampling with a sample size of 276 new voters who had just voted for the first time in the 2024 Election. The data analysis used in this study was descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of the Correlation and Simple Regression tests. The results of the study showed that there were 51 (54.7%) new voters who had high digital literacy and 125 new voters (45.3%) who had low digital literacy. The research findings also showed that there were 179 (64.9%) new voters who had an understanding of Hoax news in the high category. Digital literacy has a significant relationship with the level of understanding of hoax news in the 2024 Election. Digital literacy skills have a significant influence on the level of understanding of hoax news in the 2024 Election.


Digital Literacy, Hoax News, General Election

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