Ecological Wisdom in Myth of Northern Aceh’s Community

Salsabilla Julnadi, Mohd. Harun, Arianto Arianto


The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the various manifestations of ecological wisdom found in the myth of the Northern Aceh community. Additionally, it attempts to elucidate the fundamental principles behind the ecological wisdom depicted in the myth of the Northern Aceh community. The research employed a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research findings indicate that: Within the myth of the northern Aceh culture, there exists a type of ecological knowledge that encompasses food chains, networks, habitats, meadows, populations, communities, and ecosystems. However, there is no presence of biome wisdom in this myth. The ecological wisdom principles in the myth of northern Aceh society include reverence for nature, the principle of accountability, cosmic unity, the principle of empathy and nurturing of nature, the principles of non-harmfulness, and the principle of living in a state of simplicity and harmony with nature. The conclusion can be summarized as follows. First and foremost, the four manifestations of ecological wisdom have effectively mitigated the environmental harm caused by human actions and intents. Furthermore, by applying ethical ideas to the natural world, individuals can establish moral guidelines that apply to the living environment.


Ecological Wisdom; Kind of Ecological Wisdom; Myth; Northern Aceh

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