Van Dijk Model Critical Discourse Analysis of Tiktok Content “Kehidupan Rumah Tangga” in Gender Perspective
Women’s role in household chores such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and childcare has become a norm perpetuated within a patriarchal cultural framework. Conversely, men are only expected to meet the family's financial needs. This dichotomous division of labor is deeply ingrained in the consciousness of Indonesian society, creating a clear split between the head of the family and the housewife, society and the family, and rational and emotional patterns. Controversy arises when differing views on the division of household chores surface, as illustrated in the "Household Life" post that went viral on TikTok on November 2, 2023. The thread posted by the @namakusina account depicts women as those who serve and take care of all household needs and men as those who want to be served. Teun A. Van Dijk's genre method for critical discourse analysis is employed in this research. The macro, superstructure, and microstructure of the research object are analyzed using a descriptive qualitative methodology. The findings indicate that the language choice in the "Household Life" content online legitimizes the gender-based division of household chores, reinforcing patriarchal discourse. Furthermore, the research shows that misinterpretation of responses and the limitations of online communication models can lead to new problems, including misunderstanding, denial, excuses, and even the potential formation of misogynistic groups on TikTok. Therefore, greater attention needs to be given to aspects of online communication that can influence the perception and reproduction of gender norms in society.
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