Economic Potential Mapping in Parung Subdistrict, Bogor District
The sector of economy in Parung Subdistrict Bogor District is dominated profoundly by agriculture, forestry and fishing, processing, providing accommodation, and food and beverages. SMEs, red: UMKM also play a capital role in the economic growth either nationally and locally. One of factors due to the significant progress of SMEs was the synergy of action between government and entrepreneurs to design competitive advantages of SMEs. This research aims to conduct economic potential mapping in Parung Subdistrict, Bogor District analyzing the internal and external factors effecting the economic potential in the territory. Bogor has forty subdistricts including Parung Subdistrict which has nine villages. Samples gathered were 54 representing all of nine villages in the district. The primary data were questionnaires and interviews with entrepreneurs of local SMEs .Data progressing method used in this research was descriptive quantitative using SPACE Matrix, SWOT matrix, and IE matrix. The result from Quadrant analysis showed that SMEs in Parung Subdistrict is in the first quadrant with strategic priority of growth. Meanwhile, the result from SPACE Matrix exposed that the alternative strategy is Aggressive. And at last, the IE Matrix result put SMEs strategy at the fifth quadrant of Hold and Maintain.
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