Determinants of Financial Performance in IDX BUMN20 Companies Period 2018-2022 with Dividend Policy and Firm Value as a Moderating Variable

Adita Dwi Wandono, Nadia Asandimitra


The study aims to determine the influence of ownership structure, leverage, green accounting, and company size on the financial performance of IDX BUMN20 companies for the 2018-2022 period with dividend policies and firm values as moderators. This study uses quantitative data sourced from secondary data. The population of this study is 16 companies that are consistently listed on IDX BUMN20 on the IDX for the 2018-2022 period. The technique used for sampling is saturated samples. The data analysis method used in the study is multiple linear regression using the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 27. The results of this study show that managerial ownership, leverage, and green accounting do not have a significant effect on financial performance. Meanwhile, institutional ownership has a significant positive effect on financial performance and company size has a significant negative effect on financial performance. Therefore, companies are expected to be able to take advantage of institutional ownership to supervise and increase access to financial resources and companies should be able to manage their assets properly so that high total assets do not make financial performance decline. 


Ownership Structure; Leverage; Green Accounting; Company Size; Dividend Policy; Firm Values

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