The Possibility of Agricultural Modernization in Afghanistan
Agricultural modernization aims at proper productivity of arable land and water resources and access to sustainable agricultural products. In this research, an attempt has been made to discuss agricultural modernization as a positive effect of technology and industrialization of the economy with the library-descriptive analytical method. According to the data of the World Bank the studied countries have been ranked in three categories. The first group consists of group A, which ranks first in terms of agricultural modernization. These countries are leaders in terms of industry and technology, and are ranked first in terms of productivity of production factors and level of economic well-being. The countries that rank second in terms of modernization are also in the second rank in terms of industry and technology, i.e. Group B. But the countries that are in the third rank of modernization are also in the third rank in terms of industry and technology, i.e. in group C. Afghanistan is one of the countries that ranks third.
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