Blended Learning Management Learning the Art of Balines Dance for Music Students in Unwira Kupang

Kadek Paramitha Hariswari, Agustinus Bedaama, Ruminah Ruminah, Flora Ceunfin, Maria Klara A.C.S.D. Tukan, Yohanis Devriezen Amasanan, Stanislaus Sanga Tolan


The art of Indonesian dance which is full of noble values, needs to be disseminated among students. This appreciation for Indonesian dance arts is expected to help students recognize their identity and at the same time understand the plurality of national identities. The failure of the Indonesian dance learning process can be seen in the final assessment results, both in theory as measured through written tests and in practice through performance tests. This problem can be overcome by implementing blended learning management. Blended learning is a learning process that combines face-to-face learning and computer-based learning (online and offline). This type of research is field action research using a qualitative approach. Researchers carry out actions on research subjects in natural conditions. Balinese dance learning is carried out by applying the management functions of planning, organizing, actuating and controlling to students of the Music Arts study program who are interested in dance. The research results relating to the Balinese Dance learning process using the blended learning method are described into several stages, namely the planning stage, organizing stage, implementation stage, monitoring stage and evaluation stage. The learning process is also influenced by inhibiting and supporting factors. The use of blended management in learning Balinese dance for students interested in dance at the UNWIRA Music Education Study Program is very effective and efficient. 


Learning; Balinese Dance; Blended Learning

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