Traditional House as Cultural Identity in the Modern Era in the Context of Osing Ethnography

Brian Restu Dewanto, Muhajirin Muhajirin


Along with the development of the times, modern society is now starting to ignore traditional thinking that is considered old-fashioned. Culture is social behavior through traditional values that are inherited in a distinctive form, including both material and immaterial manifestations. The Osing tribe has a long history. As a cultural identity, the Osing tribe is an indigenous Banyuwangi tribe that holds fast to the values of local wisdom. Osing arts, traditions and traditional houses are cultural units in Banyuwangi with local wisdom values contained therein. But modernization has become a scourge as an obstacle in facing the times, many local wisdoms are now starting to be abandoned on the grounds of more modern concepts, causing various problems such as the erosion of cultural values, identity, social dynamics, as well as lifestyle incompatibility. The role of society and institutions is so important, therefore in this modern era in order not to neglect the noble values as a culture owned by the nation, it is necessary to preserve it so that modern principles do not erode the values that become an identity. The ethnographic approach aims to explore and understand in depth the social picture of the community in the culture contained in the identity and traditional house of Osing. 


Culture; Osing Tribe; Local Wisdom; Modernity

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