Transforming Cybersecurity through Sustainability in Living Harmony: Facing the Dissemination of Hoax Information based on Digital Media

M. Ghozali Moenawar, Alma Mandjusri, Tata Septayuda


The potential of horizontal conflicts in Indonesia is considered quite high during  general election in 2019. Among factors that indicate the occurrence of the conflict is the dissemination of hoax information based on dependent effect of digital media.. This study analyzes the content of news about general election in 2019,  in order to find out the public opinion of digital media users. The research  used  a content of qualitative analysis method, through cybersecurity and sustainability categories. The results of the study showed that there were three major categories, obtained: 1) support for cybersecurity and sustainability to ensure the correctness of the availability of digital information on sustainable basis; 2) critical discourse about the anticipation of conflict that leads to national divisions caused by the reporting of digital media in the national political situation; 3) the importance of observing the universality values in shared life between humans in order to achieve global happiness and peace.


Cybersecurity; Sustainability; Digital Media; Living In Harmony

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