Impact of Cooperation BNN RI with UNODC in Drug Eradication Narcotics 2017– 2023
Combating drug trafficking has become an urgent global challenge, threatening not only public health, but also social, economic and political stability in many countries. In this context, international cooperation, particularly between Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), is crucial. In 2013, the number of drug cases revealed in Indonesia increased significantly, signaling an escalation of the problem that requires serious handling. Although narcotic drug cases increased, psychotropic drug cases decreased. However, the handling of hazardous materials is also in the spotlight with an increase in cases revealed. BNN's collaboration with UNODC in 2017 marked an important step in Indonesia's drug eradication efforts, covering various aspects from law enforcement to rehabilitation. An in-depth case study is needed to evaluate the success and complexity of the challenges in this cooperation. It is hoped that this research can provide a better understanding of the impact of the role of international cooperation between BNN and UNODC in drug eradication efforts in Indonesia, which has important implications in reducing drug trafficking and its negative impacts.
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