Tere Liye's Novel Si Anak Pelangi: The Role of Literature in Multicultural Education
This research aims to describe the multicultural value of the novel Si Anak Pelangi by Tere Liye. The type of research used is using qualitative research using descriptive methods. The data in this study are quotes in the form of sentences, words, and phrases in novels that describe the value of multicultural education. In the study, the researcher also used a data source in the form of a literary work, namely a novel titled Si Anak Pelangi by Tere Liye. In this study, the author uses data collection techniques in the form of reading techniques and note-taking techniques. As for the data validity technique used, it uses the data triangulation technique and the theory triangulation technique. The results of the research conducted by the author found 3 multicultural educational values contained in the novel, namely the value of democratization, the value of humanism, and the value of pluralism. With a total of 15 data found, including 3 data on democratic values, 7 data on humanism values, and 5 data on pluralism. For this reason, the value of multicultural education contained in the novel Si Anak Pelangi that is the most prominent or appears the most is the value of humanism. Meanwhile, pluralism is not very dominant. In this context, the novel Si Anak Pelangi is not solely a work of fiction, but it is a literary text that can provide an educational effect to readers. Education in literature, in this case, is an ethical impact that the reader gets after grasping the social-humanistic meaning, which can be implicated in life. Thus, Tere Liye's novel Si Anak Pelangi is a work of fiction, which represents multicultural empathy that supports a campaign about cultural discrimination in social life.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.5977
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