Language Politeness Spoken by Anies Baswedan

Agus Suarni MS, Yusri Yusuf, Denni Iskandar


This study seeks to elucidate the linguistic disarray within the ancestry of Anies Baswedan. The research employed a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection utilizing slide methodologies and recording methodologies. The data analysis procedures employed include: 1) categorizing the data according to the classification of each speech manner; 2) examining the findings based on the classifications of each speech manner; and 3) drawing conclusions based on the classification of each speech manner. The research data is derived from Anies Baswedan's study, which encompasses Geoffrey Leech's discourse style characterized by a state of heightened enthusiasm. The study yielded a total of 74 studies on different aspects of speech, including 26 on wisdom, 10 on charity, 26 on praise, 12 on humility, and 3 on agreement. The investigation did not identify any instances of sympathy in the manner being discussed. Anies Baswedan frequently employs a demeanor characterized by sagacity and commendation. It is evident that Anies Baswedan's manner of speaking prioritizes the benefits of others while downplaying his benefits, and also demonstrates a high level of respect for others. Anies Baswedan applies the notion of chastity on popular social media platforms. YouTube employs knowledge and commendation to serve as a model for other users of social media platforms.


Pragmatic;Language Politeness;Leech Speech Politeness Manner;Anies Baswedan; YouTube

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