Typology of Teacher Questions Participants in Teacher Professional Education in Learning (Pragmatic Study)

Sudjalil Sudjalil, Gigit Mujianto, Nuria Reny Hariyati, Moh. Jathy Anugrasandi


Questions are a very important element of one of the skill aspects in the teaching and learning process. Types of questions that are well structured can be used to determine the success of achieving learning objectives. For this reason, this research aims to describe the types and functions of participant teachers' questions. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The approach used is pragmatic. The data source comes from 37 videos of teacher learning practices. Data was collected through recording, note-taking and literature study. Data analysis uses the flow model of analysis by A. Michael Huberman. Based on data analysis, it was concluded: 1. The teacher's questions were of the assertive, directive, commissive and expressive types. Assertive type teacher questions are spoken by the teacher with the aim of finding out students' understanding of the lesson material and confirming students' attendance. Types of directive questions include: a) imperative b) request, c) recommendation, d) order, e) recommendation, f) request, g) ask, h) request, and i) offer. Teacher questions of the commissive type include: agreement, commissive offer, and commissive suggestion or impression-message. Expressive type teacher questions are questions that involve expressions of happiness, liking, excitement, or good. 2. Teacher questions function competitively, convivially and collaboratively. Competitive functions include: orders, requests, recommendations, orders, and questions. Convivial functions include: bargaining, praising, and agreeing. Collaborative functions include: confirmation or statement of presence, and reminding. The competitive function tends to be of the directive type. Convivial functions are directive and commissive types. Meanwhile, the collaborative function is of the assertive type.


Typology; Teacher Questions; Pragmatic Studies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i7.5964


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