The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Team Work on Organisational Performance Through the Role of Work Motivation at the NTB Provincial Revenue and Management Agency
This study examines the effect of transformational leadership and team work on organisational performance through the role of work motivation at the Regional Revenue and Management Agency (BAPPENDA) of NTB Province. The method used in this research is quantitative associative. This research focuses on UPTB-UPPD Samsat employees in BAPPENDA NTB. The number of respondents in this study were 161 people. The type of data collection used uses a questionnaire with google form. The analytical tool used is the structural equation model (SEM) method which is processed using the Smart-PLS application. The findings in this study are concluded that transformational leadership has a positive but insignificant effect on organisational performance. While team work and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on organisational performance. In addition, transformational leadership and team work have a positive and significant effect on work motivation. For the role of mediation where motivation is able to mediate the influence of transformational leadership and team work on organisational performance.
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