Breaking the Cycle: Rethinking Rehabilitation for Repeat Offenders in State Prisons

Ardiyanti Aris, Dewi Ayu Lestari


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of fostering recidivist inmates in Detention Homes (RUTAN) in an effort to prevent the recurrence of criminal acts. Using normative research methods with a qualitative approach, this study examines the implementation of coaching programs, the differences in coaching between recidivist and non-recidivist inmates, and the obstacles faced. The results of the study show that the coaching of recidivist inmates in prisons has not been fully effective in preventing recidivism. Factors such as population density, lack of individualized rehabilitation programs, limited resources, social stigma, and weak coordination between institutions are major challenges. Even though it has a strong legal foundation, its implementation still faces various obstacles. A more comprehensive and integrated approach is needed, including improving programs in RUTAN, strengthening post-release support, and increasing the role of the community in the reintegration process to increase the effectiveness of training recidivist inmates.


Prisoner Development; Recidivist; Routine; Effectiveness; Social Reintegration

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