Criminal Sanctions for Insults on Social Media Have Aspects of Noncompliance of Criminal for Investigators
The application of the law to a criminal for an act that is against the relevant legal requirements is known as criminal responsibility. Because defamation involves insults that cause the reputation of another person to be tarnished, it is inherently a crime against honor. Article 310 of the Criminal Code states that it is forbidden for anyone to purposefully harm another person's reputation or honor by spreading false information, particularly if the accusation is made in writing or through an image that is shared, broadcast, or posted online. Nonetheless, advancements in technology allow for the use of social media for defamatory conduct. This research aims to explain law enforcement against criminal acts of defamation committed via social media based on Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. The method used in this research is normative legal research. The study's findings clarify that, by Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, Article 27 Paragraph (3) prohibits anyone from willfully and without authorization disseminating, transmitting, or creating accessible electronic information or documents. The process of putting the law into effect and punishing lawbreakers is known as law enforcement. Penalties for criminal defamation on social media may include jail time or fines, depending on the terms of the relevant legislation.
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