Responses Toward Impoliteness by Main Characters in Sajadah Panjang: Sujud dalam Doa Web-Series

Safina Rihhadatul'aisy Sudibiyo, Djatmika Djatmika, Miftah Nugroho


This study is attempted to discover and analyse the impact of impoliteness strategies on how the main characters respond to it especially related to their gender differences as how those acts might violate or damage each other face. In this web-series there are three main male characters and three main female characters which their utterances become the data. The utterances are the responses given by the main characters in responding to impoliteness strategies. This research was analysed using qualitative-descriptive method to obtain data in the form of response utterances. The results of this research is ‘no response’ type occurs more often than other response types. The main characters who often use this type are male main characters.


Impoliteness, Responses, Gender

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